Wednesday, 28 August 2019

29 aug 19

Dear blog
I am feeling well. i know i will prove myself.
I was tempted last night. But i know which step i shd take. I can't be involved. I have to do what is needy.
Good news. i studied last night. How hindu evolved i learnt. I will make you proud. Take care of yourself. The people who is missing me tell them i will come at the right time.

Monday, 26 August 2019


Dear Blog
its going well.wake up early. tried what i have to do. Then as usual day with my work.i know you are worried for me ..but i am fine ,i am assuring you. Its difficult for me to understand the changing environment . but i will deal.with it..

Sunday, 25 August 2019

New Day 26.08.19

well today is a new day. after so many struggle i have finally out of every social media.
 Dear Blog the best i could do i can express my feelings with you. After so many days i am feeling happy. 
 I would have been happy if i could have tell all this things to someone which is buried deep inside my heart . Dear You someday i will overcome all this by myself.

 Till then i have to be happy for everyone around me..i have to try everything i can. and make people believe what actually i am and what they think i am not.
Till then you are my true friend



I Knew you
when holding the candle
your eyes were glowing with
the drop of tear
you promised to b last

I knew you
when your heartbeat
was trying to tell me
the story I nvr wanted to know
and I pretended to b dumb

I knew you
when your past
troubled you a lot
and you wished
I could bring u da green
When it was raining blood

I knew you
when u looked helpless
amidst the crowd
that wanted to crush
and u were sure
I cudhv stopped them

I knew you
until that day
when I proved
the GREEN i brought
wasn't brighter enough
the tear i stopped
wasn't the last

Alas! I thought I knew you

PS : Yes ,I thought I Knew you my inner self😊